Greetings everyone, I hope this message finds you all in good health and happiness. As mentioned in the March newsletter, our second deadline is fast approaching. This will be our final round of funding for 2023. Our next application deadline is May 12, 2023. We will be accepting applications for our Traditional priority areas. As a reminder, our Traditional priority areas include Language preservation and revitalization, Traditional architecture and building, Sustainable agriculture, Traditional arts and crafts instruction (intergenerational programs), Tribal and ancestral history, oral histories and storytelling, Youth education and leadership and Intercultural Exchange and Education. If you have any questions about how to submit your application, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. You can apply directly online through our website, or you can download an application from our website and then email me your application package.

Below you can read about one of the programs that we supported last year. Additionally, located below is information about two programs. The first announcement is from the Summer Policy Academy. They are currently recruiting students for SPA I, which will take place this coming summer. The deadline is coming up soon, so please fill out an application ASAP if your youth wants to participate. Secondly, is an accountment from the Henry Luce Foundation. This is a great opportunity for Native knowledge holders and knowledge makers engaged in meaningful work that benefits Indigenous people! Check it out and Please share with those who you think might be interested.

I hope everyone has a great spring. Be well and stay safe.


Dr. Amanda J. Montoya


Featured Program 


Generational Empowerment Cultural Program


Pueblo de San Ildefonso

In March of 2022, the Chamiza Foundation provided funding to the Generational Empowerment Cultural Program.  Generational Empowerment (GE) was established in 2021. The mission of GE is “To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens.” According to GE, “Native American communities have seen a decreasing trend in the number of youth participating in traditional dances because of the lack of traditional regalia youth own.” The 2022 GE funding request proposed to host a Cultural Program at San Ildefonso Pueblo. The goal of the GE cultural program was to increase the number of youth participating in Pueblo de San Ildefonso cultural dances. GE provided three workshops to the youth of Pueblo De San Ildefonso. Workshop 1) “arm bands, leg bells & waist bells” Workshop 2) “Traditional Turtle, Rattle and Skunk skins” Workshop 3) “Traditional Breastplate”. The classes were taught by Johnny Abeyta Sr. of Ohkay Owingeh. According to Mr. Abeyta, “A project highlight was seeing the smiles on the participants faces knowing that they had made the dance regalia and that they now knew the amount of time and hard work needed to accomplish the tasks needed to complete the regalia.” The Chamiza Foundation was happy to hear of the success of this cultural program and hope that the San Ildefonso Pueblo youth will continue to practice the skills they learned and participate in dances.







The Santa Fe Indian School Leadership Institute is Now Accepting Applications for the Summer Policy Academy

Deadline is May 5, 2023

The Leadership Institute and the Summer Policy Academy (SPA) are founded on Indigenous thought and philosophy derived from core values, cultural life ways and daily practice. The SPA is an educational leadership and public policy program focused on four principles: Leadership, Community Service, Public Policy and Critical Thinking. Selected incoming Juniors and Seniors of NM High schools will participate in an intensive four-week program alongside their peers representing the surrounding 22 tribal communities. The 2023 Summer Policy Academy will convene June 25-July 7, 2023, at the Santa Fe Indian School. The students will share and present their service project to an audience of their peers, family and community to culminate the program. Please contact the Leadership Institute at the Santa Fe Indian School for an application:

Dalene Coriz

1501 Cerrillos Road

Santa Fe, NM 87505

(505) 989-6303 or

(505) 216-7361




2024 Luce Indigenous Knowledge Fellowship Application Window is Now Open!

This fellowship program began in 2019 in partnership between First Nations and the Henry Luce Foundation. In this fifth year of the fellowship program, First Nations will award 10 two-year fellowships of $75,000 each to outstanding Native knowledge holders and knowledge makers engaged in meaningful work that benefits Indigenous people. For more information about previous cohorts and about the fellowship program in general, please view the Luce Indigenous Knowledge Fellowship program page.

The application deadline for this opportunity is May 17, 2023. The informational Q&A webinar materials can be found here:

Please feel free to share this announcement with others in your network or consider applying yourself if you have not already submitted an application this year. For any additional questions, please contact Autumn Romero at or 303-774-7836 ext 217.